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2pm - 9pm COURT #3
  • 2:00 - ARRIVAL
  • 3:00 - OFF
  • 4:00 - vs SIDEWINDER 16-2
  • 5:00 - vs MONARCHS 16U
  • 6:00 - OFF
  • 7:00 - vs VERDE VALLEY 16s
  • 8:00 - REF

All players and coaches need to be ON SITE AND INSIDE by 2:00pm for the team check in.  There’s a Coach’s meeting at 2:30 before the day starts.

Matches are all ‘Pool-Play’ type matches and best 2 out of 3 sets.

As for the team camp, they usually have a designated area for those.  Please check with the site when you arrive.

If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Coach Ed!

SPECIAL NOTE: Absolutely NO food or drink in the gyms!!  WATER ONLY!!  If you’re caught with food or anything but water in the gym, the team will lose an automatic 13 points on the next match they play!  This is not a joke!  It’s happened to SEVERAL teams!

Please take it seriously!

3930 W Greenway Rd, Phoenix, AZ 85053

  • Absolutely NO cell phones at the score table!  You will be warned only once!  After that, the team loses an automatic 8 points on the next match!  Y’all shouldn’t have your cell phones there anyway as you’re supposed to pay attention to the game that’s going on.
  • Absolutely NO leaving to go get food!  Parents may leave, players may not!  Players are to remain on site during the off or ref times and at the team camp or watching the competition inside the gyms.